Supersalud intervenes EPS from 13 territories of the country | Government | Economy
In the last hours, the National Superintendency of Health has shown the progress of its intervention in 13 territories that had the highest levels of user vulnerability and non-compliance of payments to suppliers by Resource Management Entities (EPS).
(Read: Is it possible to eliminate EPS in Colombia? The scenarios that exist).
Three months after the launch of the strategy, sAction plans have been carried out that link 22 EPS in contributory, subsidized and indigenous schemes so that they provide answers and solutions to the needs of their affiliates, and to establish payment agreements with establishments that offer services in the territories.
“We have reached those territories where extreme criticality has predominated for
to enforce our two main lines of action: to guarantee the right
the health of citizens and protect public health resources“, assured the
National Superintendent of Health, Ulahí Beltrán López.
So far there have been days of intervention in Casanare,
Guaviare, Antioquia, Bogotá, Chocó, Valle del Cauca, Santander, Vaupés, Vichada, Risaralda, Bolívar, Meta and Putumayo.
(Additionally: the computer attack against Sanitas did not compromise user information).
This involves a coverage in 415 municipalities in the country in which its inhabitants filed approximately 644,590 petitions, complaints, claims and denunciations during the period from January to October 2022. This represents 62% of all requests received in the country.
As a result, Supersalud has started to review aspects such as untimely delivery of drugs, delay in referral and counter-referral, delays in authorizing services, untimely scheduling of outpatient services, network outages and delays in scheduling specialty appointments.
To date, 8 territorial action plans have been approved, 4 are being monitored and one has already been completed. The idea is that these plans lead to quick and effective solutions for the issues identified.
(Keep reading: Soat Discount: ABC to find out if this applies to you and what it covers).
Some of the entities that have participated are Nueva EPS, Sanitas, Sura, Famisanar, Salud Total, Compensar, Capital Salud, Salud Mía and others.